Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mean Mister Mustard is at it again...

The little girl Debbie Portillo who was Tony's plant for position 3 on the City Commission just quit the race. I guess she couldn't stand the heat...

Please post XXX.. did he think he could use me?? for ratings????


We received a disturbing conversation between one famed mean mister blogger and his sexy decoy... At the time, he was certain that little miss debbie was a pansy that could not hold her head up high.. Think again boys! now she is commissioner, and is hosting this Friday event that has all of Brownsville rolling up their panties in expectation: CYCLOBIA!!!!


  1. i guess that guy barton had it coming, he hasnt post any shit about politics and he is seen hiding behind an old grandmother he takes out at downtown.

  2. HAHAHAHAH looks like the hoes he was meddling with are giving up the details of their "platonic relationships" seems the mean mister man is not so meanie anymore!

  3. So Diego, do you plan to advertise your overtaking of this blog? Or do you just plan to keep it hush?

  4. no hush here my friend, dos frias has been promoting itself! dont kill the messenger!!!


leave it here..