Thursday, October 3, 2013

Flies on Whataburguer patties, ants on food and walls and floors

Mr Castro forwarded this pic to the Food Patrol Website keep it clean!

Whataburguer out of Coastal Central Boulevard in the city of Brownsville scored 234 demerits, when patrons of the local establishment noticed flies on the smaller than usual patties and burnt out meat and dollar buns from the local HEB while being charged 5.99 for the combo instead of t 99 cents.

"Have you noticed the flies and the small buns before?" asked Ryan Wolf on the 1st of October inspection.

"Yes, absolutely!" the customer said.

"How do you feel about photographing vermin and bugs and posting it on my facebook, making my workload easier and faster?" asked Rian Wolf.

"Well, it helps that you pay me by the hour, i just got your check in the mail, thank you" said the customer.

"Did you enjoyed the fly in your burger, what about the meat patty? was it good?" asked Ryan Wolf.

"It was crunchy and no i did not liked it, it looked something that my wife would grill", said the customer.

No soap on the commodes, no roaches on the special ketchup and employees that were not fast enough, were noted in the health inspector report.  Off temperature meat and ketchup was also noted.

Whatburguer management declined to comment when shown the photographic evidence earlier today but stated that their buns are being changed and that the meat patties are being done well and extra crispy for fear of e coli contamination.

"I love seeing all the photographs and reading your stories man, thank you for helping us choose and eat in a good place"  Erasmo castro typed in his FB page.

You know what the Food Patrol says--"Keep it clean!"


  1. hahahah inche vato you got me reading with disgust and then laughing hahahha

  2. ryan wolf is not a journalist, i like this sarcastic story, but all the fans and people that like him must be really pissed off right? he is putting peoples business in danger, reading health reports instead of helping out the community and owners and workers, now he is staging photographs, is sooo easy to stage a photograph, or put a piece of plastic on a popeyes rice cup

    either way fuck you ryan wolf and your racist girlfriend, she should go back to bolivia, she is also a racist bitch, making fun of people that collect food stamps, really brownsville?? are these the people you wanna be friends with? they wont even look at you twice in the real world!!!



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