Monday, March 24, 2014

Captain's Mcurry is not the owner of HOTEL EL JARDIN, it was all a HOAX Martinez Family Spokesperson states on Facebook Page.

It seems the gentle folk on an old town that collides with the Rio Grande River have been taken advantage of again and now by a character who calls himself Captain Mcurry, that stated some weeks ago that he had purchased EL JARDIN HOTEL, an abandoned huge structure that sits in downtown Brownsville and that has been in the news in the past few years when the Martinez family and important politicians of Cameron County intended to demolish the building and donate it to the now extinct University of Texas at Brownsville.

Doroteo Canales, stated in his FB page that Captain Mcurry never purchased the building or tried to purchased the building in the month of February as some of his Facebook pages stated and some of the local newspapers at the time fell for the hoax going to the length of interviewing him several times without knowing the facts of talking to the Martinez brothers that own the building since 1987.

"Este Capitan nos ha visto la cara a todos los residentes de el Valle al proponer ideas de como re-establecer el edificio, diciendo que lo iba a arreglar y hasta hizo una huelga de hambre!, esta persona nunca compro el edifcio y dice que nos dio dinero pero eso no es cierto!"  a member of the Martinez family stated this on his facebook page earlier this week, when local media and local politicians like YOLANDA BEGUM, LETY GARCIA and several others influential members of the Brownsville Community visited and offered support to the Captain when he is staying in the decrepit building and endured a hunger strike for over two days.

The Martinez family wants to state that this person did talked to them in the month of January he wanted to see if he could stage a documentary using the city of Brownsville, and their old building but he failed to provide money for renting it and abused his friendship with the rightful owners of the Historic JARDIN HOTEL.

1 comment:

  1. ya sabia yo cuando ese borracho del elizondo se le junto que todo era puro cuento


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