Here are some examples of local Rio Grande Citizens that are committing fraud and abusing their Texas Benefits:
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has issued a statement warning SNAP and TANF cardholders not to use their benefits in exchange of cash, vehicles and smartphones. This investigation is currently using social media and Facebook to track down potential scammers in the Rio Grande Valley Area.
Concerned citizens have been calling the Texas Health and Human Services hotline up to 350 times a day stating to the operators how they have saved images of local Facebook users in the Valley where they are clearly asking the public help in either buying their food stamps, exchanging WIC products like canned milk and Gerber Baby Food for a low fee and even wanting to exchange SNAP and TANF benefits in exchange for the latest Iphone 6 and expensive smartphones.
Brownsville PD has also been contacted by the Local District Attorney office and they are pulling up names in their database to confirm the identities of hundreds of individuals that have been posting this illegal activity under real and false names and in famous local pages as The Pulga Online and Brownsville Cheezmeh.
If you know of someone or a party of people that are using their Texas benefits to purchase electronics, jewelry and any type of item, please report them to THE FRAUD AND ABUSE HOTLINE CALLING TOLL FREE 1800 436 6184