Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Art and the Border Part Deux

WE submitted some interesting questions to down on his luck owner of Galeria 609, the candid interview is raw, filled with pure energy and offers a glimpse on a sad man life and dilemma: ART IN BROWNSVILLE is it dead?

  • Conversation started today
  • Duardo Paz-Martinez

    1.- Is it true that you acquire the Galeria 609 building after your messy divorce?
    2.- How does it feel to sleep on a hammock every night in a run down gallery in Downtown Brownsville, Texas?
    3.- What is the best way to take a cold shower with a hose?
    4.- IS pretending to be an art critic is really the best approach to seduce the old ladies of the quarter?

    • 1.) Difficult, not messy, difficult.

      2.) Very Difficult

      3.) Very quickly

      4.)Thank you for inquiring. I'm glad someone has an interest in art in this community. Stop in some time.

On a day like today, Dr Seuss left the building..

I had the opportunity to chatter up with an eight year old artist down in the Valley over the weekend, she enjoys drawing and sketching and helping others in her elementary located just steps away from the International Bridge, she submitted some of her sketches, but this one entitled "Woman" struck me as fancy and well done for a self taught little girl named Beata Yarritu that surprisingly so reminded me that "On September 24th, Dr Seuss, artist Thedor Seuss, left this world back in 1991...

Never forgotten Dr. Seuss, on a day like today in the year 1991, he passed away after a lengthy battle with throat cancer.

Descanse en Paz Dr. Seuss, you are still adored and remembered by your little fans in Brownsville, Texas.

"Woman" a drawing by Brownsville Texas native Beata Yarritu

thank you wikipedia, dr seuss never forgotten.