Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Judge Erin Garcia complies to our interviews while Judge Ben Neece divorces them quick for 35

We are working hard on getting all the facts about an anonymous tip that we received earlier stating that Judge Neece is settling the score for Judge Erin Garcia and offering quick divorces, the same day, express, for the sum of 35 dollars.

Judge Erin Garcia was able to corroborate on this story and we are providing the interview and real facts on todays blog.

Long lives the Queen!

  • Conversation started today
  • DuardoPaz Martinez
    DuardoPaz Martinez
    erin what do you think about Judge Neece offering quick divorces for the couples you married some months ago and for 35 dollars? and how is the lawsuit going? although your mother said those people desisted from the lawsuit they contacted me and said that is not true?
  • Erin Hernandez Garcia
    Erin Hernandez Garcia
    They filed a motion to non-suit the case. As far as I am concerned, the case is closed. As far as Judge Neece offering divorces. I have NOT heard anything about that. The fact of the matter is that every single couple I have married is legally married. If there is trouble in paradise, then yes they need to get a divorce attorney. It certainly does not have anything to do with a waiver or "validity" of their marriage. They are legally married. The Texas Family code CLEARLY states anyone who was married during the 72 hour waiting period has 30 days to annul their marriage. PERIOD.
  • DuardoPaz Martinez
    DuardoPaz Martinez
    Thank you erin we will be interviewing neece too, have a nice day


  1. oh my god this lady is ignorant y solita se embarro!!

  2. miss you duardo i mean you a sick fag but i enjoy all your multiple personalities!!!

  3. que barbara robo todo ese dinero, y ahora da lecciones de divorcio que pase la puta!!

    juan lopes

  4. i just love how this witch thinks she is getting away with it!! hello mija just cos the other jps were issuing the waivers did not mean that you could do it!! pendeja


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