Monday, September 2, 2013

Commissioner John Villareal caught during the unspeakable!

It was a hot September day, kids were strolling pass by Skinner Elementary, anticipating ice cream sundaes, and chips and salsa, while waiting for their mothers to pick them up and show them el chavo del ocho on the television.  A group of mothers that live near John Villarreal Tortilla Place and Tienda noticed the unthinkable:

A sweaty, out of breath, covered in perspiration, young commissioner, on his knees, touching, intercepting, wiping the wetness of his brows, re arranging his skin tight shirt and trouser all the while with swift precision of a man of many trades, he carried load after load of cement and tiles..

Yes, the young commissioner, responsible for the BELDEN trail, a trail i so dearly loved, that my children and granchildren will treasure, that brings out the old of the West Old Part of Brown town, that day after day showcases palms, exotic parakeets and lizards, well this man, he is humble, he is fixing his parents drive way with the precision of a well mannered handyman, without contractors, lawyers, suits and insults, after all he is one of us, one of the westies that made it big and is doing subtle changes to this community.  Thank you.


  1. take that jim barton and all the haters!!!!

  2. So what the heck does that chick on the top have to do w/ his good deeds?

  3. i like him, barton is always talking shit but didnt he and his indian wife once caroused with john and cheezmeh??? yeah they say they started hatin on him cos he did not came out as they wanted him to be, that is bs, john is not a sellout, he is a good son and thank you john


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